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Noni Fruit Capsules | Organic | Morinda Citrifolia | 630mg | Antioxidant Boost Immunity

Noni Fruit Capsules | Organic | Morinda Citrifolia | 630mg | Antioxidant Boost Immunity

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50 Capsules 630 Milligrams each

No Additives, No Fillers, No Binders.

Noni is basically a fruit that has been around for 3,000 years. Also called the Indian mulberry, this fruit is thought to have originated in Southeast Asia or the French Polynesian islands. In fact, early Polynesians understood its value and even consumed it in times of famine. Today, noni is also found in India, Australia, the Caribbean, Hawaii, and South America. In case constant fatigue is making your life miserable, noni can help.

Noni has one of the highest levels of polysaccharides of any food known to modern science.

Polysaccharides are long chain sugars which naturally occur in a wide variety of different shapes.

Each shape matches up with a specific type of immune cell, producing a specific immune response for each type of immune cell. The polysaccharides in Noni work directly on white blood cells, increasing their ability to rid the body of foreign bacteria and destroy pathogens. Increases in the efficiency of our white blood cells may lead to significant improvements in well-being and increases in energy levels.

Noni is a small evergreen tree in the Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia, Australia, and India that often grows among lava flows. Historically, noni was used to make red or yellow dye for clothing. It was also used as medicine, usually applied to the skin. Morinda citrifola, commonly known as great morinda, Indian mulberry, nunaakai (Tamil Nadu, India), dog dumpling (Barbados), mengkudu (Indonesia and Malaysia), apatot (Philippines), kumudu (Bali), pace (Java), beach mulberry, cheese fruit, or noni (Hawaii), Noni fruit is a native to Southeast Asia and Australasia. It is green at first, then turns yellow as it ripens, giving off a pungent odor. Weaver ants are attracted to it, which protects the plant from plant-parasitic insects. 

Noni fruit is the fruit of a Polynesian plant that's commonly called the Indian mulberry or lada plant, Morinda citrifolia. The fleshy, yellowish fruit has been part of traditional medicine for centuries, recommended by practitioners for many different ailments. Consumed as fresh or fermented juice in some parts of the world, noni fruit extract is also available as a supplement in capsules.

Noni fruit has a distinctive flavor and scent, it smells like fermentation and has a strong bitter taste like stinky cheese. No wonder why noni is called starvation or vomit fruit because people ate it out of necessity. Modern research suggests that noni capsules may have significant benefits, helping keep you healthy. There are different types, such as unsweetened, sweetened, diluted with grape or other berry juices, or even noni powder mixed with water or juice. The best kind would be unsweetened, with pulp.

Noni has the nicknames of “The Tree for Headaches” or “The Painkiller Tree”.

Today, noni fruit, leaves, flowers, stems, bark, and roots are still used to make medicine. Noni is high in phytonutrients, selenium, and vitamin C and is high in soluble fiber.

Noni activates macrophages and strengthens the immune system and noni stimulates serotonin and melatonin, two very important hormones.

Recommendation for Usage:

Take capsules with a full glass of water, preferably two capsules should be taken on an empty stomach at least 1/2 hour before a meal so that your system will absorb it faster. If two capsules are taken each day, they may be taken together at one time, or you may split them up by taking one capsule 1/2 hour before breakfast and one capsule 1/2 hour before lunch. You may continue to take 2 capsules a day or take 2 capsules every other day, or you may even cut down to 1 capsule a day or 1 capsule every other day. Use your own discretion in increasing or decreasing the amount of Noni capsules you take based on how “good” and “well” you feel.

This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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